Thursday, May 8, 2014

Legacy Prize Time

After months of deliberation I have decided to once again enter the Legacy Prize Competition.  I really struggled with this decision because  this type of competition has messed with my mind and spirit in the past.  I am trying to learn how to loose with grace.  I will post a picture later.

American Bob Cat

This North American Bobcat Picture is a watercolor painting done on Canvas.  It has been donated to the Gold Star Family get together That will take place in Hell, Michigan.  It is Call the Hell and back party.  Tammy Prentler who's son Died in Afghanistan in 2010 described the event as," The patriot guard riders & military families United put on an event for the families of the fallen down in Hell, Michigan. Last year was my first event and it was fun. There is a gentleman who dresses up as the devil & his family gets involved dressing up as well. At the end of the day the "devil" & our preacher arm wrestle to see who prevails that day."  I am happy to donate this painting for this cause.

SPC Bradley D. Rappuhn Poker Run

This watercolor painting was donated to the Bradley Rappuhn  Poker Run.  This is a fund raiser done in memory of Bradley.

This is a very worthy cause  and I am glade to to donate my work for it.  Join them if you can.