This is one of my favorite flower pictures.
I like the colors the shapes and the contrast. I have been sick lately so I haven't posted much. Sorry about that. I hope you enjoy this picture as much as I do. Have a happy New year and I hope this year will bring positive changes in your life.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Bobby Mulnix
This is my friend Bobby. He would have been 52 years old this month. I recently found out that he died twenty some years ago at the age of 30. He was a dreamer and worked all his short life to become a pilot. He accomplished his dream participating in a short lived career. He died in his sleep. The coroner said it was a heart attack. No drugs or abnormalities were found in his body. He was tethered to this earth for such a short time then flew off to be were he most wanted to be a dreamer in the clouds of our passing.
This is a watercolor pencil painting on canvas approximately 12" by 16". The painting will be given to his mother as a gift of my condolences for the loss of her son.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Reflections on a pond
Reflections on a pond are always so beautiful. I love the water and the colors of this painting. Some times things just work and this just feels like it works. It is a 12" by 16" watercolor pencil painting on canvas. I woulds love to sell it. It would be matted in a 16" by 20" matte. I would charge a mere $125.00. I need the money for Christmas.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Pretty in purples and pinks
I love painting water. It makes everything in my mind feel surreal. Maybe it is the mirror image or the color. I do not know. This is a water color painting on canvas. I did not use the pencils because of the need to be more free with the colors. Hope you like it.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Fall Flowers
I saw these flowers originally at Mary Free Bed. I really liked the arrangement. So I painted it. Again this is more of a fall looking painting. Hope you like it. It is a watercolor pencil painting on canvas.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Fall Flowers
This is some type of fall flower I painted from a picture a friend of mine took. I really liked the colors and how it turned out. I hope you enjoyed it. Again, it is a water color on canvas picture. The original picture was taken by, Emily Hansen.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Water Color Water Lilly
This water color water Lilly is a 16" x 20". It looks pretty translucent to me. I used no water color pencils on this work. I did the technical work with a brush rather than the pencil. Don't know if I like this or not. Oh well you be the judge. It feels strange not being in Art Prize this year. I like not having the stress but still am struggling a little with my inability to participate because of the stress. Well I guess it is the way it is.
Art Prize,
Water color on canvas,
Water Lilly
Monday, September 17, 2012
Changing Colors
Fall is on its way. I am not real thrilled about this but I do like the colors. This is a watercolor painting on canvas. I like the red and orange leaves. Hope you like this picture too.
Friday, August 31, 2012
David Warsen, Navy Seal
This is a watercolor painting of a young man who died in Afghanistan a couple of weeks ago in a helicopter crash. His name is David Warsen. His funeral was yesterday. I had decided to paint this picture for his parents a a momentum of my appreciation for their ultimate sacrifice. I brought it to the funeral and left it with one of the ushers. I hope they received it. What a nice looking young man who gave his life so that we can live the way we do. I hope my random act if kindness makes a difference.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Baseball Fan's
I have been going to our local Whitecaps games with my grandson lately. We have had a great time so I decided to paint a few of the guys pictures. This is Nick Avila a right handed picture for the Whitecaps. He is number 20. In the photo I got of him he has mustache and little goatee. He pitched the night I took the picture but I did not have a real good shot of him. The next time I saw him it was cut off. Oh well this will have to do. He looks like his cousin, C. Alex Avila the catcher of the Detroit Tigers. I happened to talk to him at a game and he was asking about the pictures I had given to some of the other players. He was so nice I decided to paint one of him. He is a year older than his cousin. He was very nice to talk to.
This is a picture of Ernie Young the manager of the Whitecaps. Every time I have photo-graft him he has a very stern face. Ernie has been coaching the White Caps for two years now. The Whitecaps are a farm team for the Detroit Tigers. I have truly enjoyed to games this year. Both of these watercolor paintings will be given to the people they represent,
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The dogs in my life.
The first dog on the page is Boo. He is a friend of mine. He belongs to some friends who I have known since kindergarten. She is a real dog lover and this is another of the many dogs she has cared for. I painted a 12 by 16 inch watercolor painting for her of this friendly little dog. I hope she likes it.
The second dog is Bubba Corn-dog. he is not friendly until you get to know him well or take him for a ride in your car. He is a strange little critter. This is another friends dog. She is also a dog lover and is involved in dog rescue operations. This is also a water color painting on canvas. This friend received the painting last week end and loves it. It makes me feel good that the work I do is appreciated.
Thank you again for looking at the pictures. Feel free to give feedback it you like.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Sparta Art Contest.
This Watercolor painting on canvas was entered in the Sparta, Michigan Art Competition during Sparta days. It won first place. I am honored by this as it is very infrequently that I even get noticed. I am not good with the politics of the Art World. I do not know the common speak. I struggle with the receptions and with the language that is spoken their. This is not to say I have not found some good people here. It is that I just do not feel I can make it here. I am struggling with myself and my identity at this point. I am struggling even with painting at all. I do not know how to get over this. I will post only occasionally and am sorry I can not be more consistent.
Art Contest,
Sparta Michigan,
Water color on canvas
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Simple but nice.
Simple but nice. This flower is a very simple but nice portrayal of both color and light. I liked the purple and periwinkle as well as the blends of green. I know it has been a while. I am hitting a wall I have not had before. I will try to continue to post but forgive me if it isn't always regular. When my mind gets back I will again try to be more regular. In the mean time enjoy.
Simple but nice.,
Water color on canvas
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Festival of the Arts 2012
This picture is called the Buds. It is the second of two pictures that have gained entrance into the Festival of the Arts 2012. I had two rejects for the Competition. The other one than won and entry was Eye of the Iris.
These two paintings are the rejects. Who knows how the entries are chosen. Since as an artist I pay to enter I think it only fair that I get some feedback on this. Things such as crappy lighting or looks like you messed up the lighting. I would actually appreciate this as I still have know idea of what makes a good painting. My mentor seems to always like my work as does her husband. Others who have seen my work also seem to like it. But I just don't know. I like my work but then again it doesn't seem to sell and I am not in any galleries. I have chosen not to get into Art Prize so that is an attempt to just paint for painting sake. I think I am still messed up in the brain when it comes to the art world. I think I am a slow learner. Again I work with Watercolors on Canvas as well as the Watercolor Pencil. I have been doing this for the last 4 1/2 years.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Festival of the Arts 2012
This is one of the paintings I entered into the Festival of the Arts this year. I call it the Eye of the Iris. It is a water color painting on canvas. The fine lines continue to be done with watercolor pencils but I am beginning to use more and more of only the watercolor and brush technique. It just feels more 3 denominational to me. The festival of the Art's takes place in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the first full weekend of June every year. This year the Art will be able to be viewed at the old Grand Rapids Press building. I was able to enter 4 paintings we will see if any are excepted for the competition.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Lane Cooper
This is a watercolor painting of one of my good friends. He has been a very positive influence on me. He also has been the victim of a closed head injury and suffers from headaches. He is an artist and works with recycled material. He creates sculptures. He also had work in the Mary FreeBed show as well as was in Art Prize with me in 2010. He makes me laugh and is good for my soul.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
This little dancer is a very determined young lady. I knew her father from Discovery Alternative High School. Her father recently passed away and I recognized her at the funeral. Both her and her father loved to dance. I hope she will continue her dancing as I feel it will bring her closer to the memory of her father. May God bless her and keep her close
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Spring Buds
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Young dancer
Thank you for viewing.
I know it's been a while but I have been very busy with the warm weather. Now that it is turning cold again I will try to be more consistent.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Proud Native American
After much thought I have decided not to enter the Legacy Prize contest this year. I will not enter Art Prize as a result of this. It is just too much for me and I am taking a year off.
I will be in the Mary Free bed show this year and look forward to it.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Mary Free Bed Contest.
I am struggling right now with my art and I don't know why. I am definitely hitting a mental block of some kind. I have decided to sit out of the Legacy Prize contest this year as well as Art Prize. I just can't get up the energy to get out there. We will see how this goes as time passes.
Art Prize,
Legacy Prize,
Mary Free Bed Contest
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Little Dancer
Today we have had 8 people from India who have visited the sight. Welcome and come back soon. We have also had 3 from the US, 1 from France and 1 from New Zeeland. I wish I could meet the people who happen upon this blog. That would be so cool. Hope you all come back!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Native American Dance.
This young woman was dancing at one of our local Pow-Wow's. She was so intense and into the dance that it was enjoyable to see her enthusiasm. I had started working on this about a year ago and then for some reason abandon it. I enjoyed coming back and finishing it.
I also wanted to note today that it never ceases to amaze me at the audience that this blog a tracks. This week I Had visitors from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Latvia, Slovenia, Australia, Spain, Pakistan, and Singapore. In addition to this week for the month the Countries of Russia, India, Netherlands, Canada and Egypt were also people who stopped by. I hope all countries enjoy this work. I always welcome visitors and hope that you will feel free to leave comments or join other followers of my blog.
Again thank you all for stopping by.
Elaine J. Hoogeboom
Friday, February 10, 2012
Sgt. Michael Keith Ingram Jr.
I decided to paint this picture of her son and give it to her with my sympathies. Again, this is a 16" by 20" watercolor pencil painting on canvas.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Music to my Ear's
This Painting was done for a contest at the Art-Defined
web page. ( ). As a child this young lady was a very prolific musician at a very young age. This night in particular she was suppose to be getting ready for her bath. Instead she ran to the piano and began playing. The two albums on the piano at that time were Ricky Scages, Highways and Heartbreaks and The Southern Fullman Furay Band, Trouble in Paradise. Frustrating as children can be this somehow puts it all together. This is a watercolor pencil painting on canvas. Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Hibiscus Flowers
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Swan 2012, Mary FreeBed, Art Clash
Art Clash.,
Mary FreeBed,
The Brew,
Water Color pencil on Canvas,
Wayland Mi.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
First Painting of 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New year!
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