Sunday, February 27, 2011

What about this for Art Prize. A series of Zoo animals. This is an American wolverine. I have some pretty nice animals pictures of my own that I am painting just for fun. In looking at the other girl dancers I don't find the kind of movement that I am looking for. I am not sure about sports. I have done some sports hero's in the past but its more or less pictures from the Internet. Venue is important but I don't think I will be in Art prize if I don't win the Legacy trust Prize first as it made the whole thing possible last year. It defiantly is way to much stress that makes it impossible any other way. Thank you for the feedback and please give me more. Thank you. Elaine

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This is a Black Eyed Susan that will be entered into the Mary Free Bed show. They allow each artist to enter three pictures. I haven't finalized the other two pictures yet. I had one picture excepted into the Spiritual Art Festival this year. I think they liked the movement in the picture. I am thinking about doing some other pictures of american females dancing for art prize. Give me some feedback on this. I would appreciate it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

This is a picture I did for my Niece and her girls, Amelia, Harper and Ruby. The man in the middle is there father who died unexpectedly last week. His name was Mathew Aaron Wilson, born August 22, 1978 to February 8, 2011. He will be missed by his wife and children and many friends. This picture is dedicated to him and is my gift to his wife and 3 young children. The girls are ages 7, 3, and 1. I wish I lived close enough to be with them but circumstances will not permit this. Hopefully this picture will bring fond memories for the family.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Art Clash II

This picture will be my entry in the Art Clash II Contest in Wayland Michigan. It is a contest that is like Art Prize yet a lot smaller. It is put on by The coffee house in the middle of the town. I hope it is not mistaken for a picture. This happened last year I think and it really bothers me. I think some times I should paint like the traditional people but it is just not me. Any Suggestions?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am finding that I don't really know what to say in these posts. This is a picture of a dog that died. Her owner asked me to paint it. I love the way the fur and eyes turned out. The only thing I really remember about this dog is that it bite me the first time I meet it.